Technology Services » Using Google Meet

Using Google Meet

Getting Started With Google Meet

Google Chat is a G Suite for Education core service. It is free, covered under South Beloit CUSD's agreement with Google. South Beloit CUSD 320 Google and Google Chat are not HIPAA-compliant. Please do not use this communication avenue for the exchange of sensitive information.

Create a Google Meet Session in Meet

If you need a quick answer from a team member, you can start an instant meeting in a web browser. If someone sends you a meeting link URL, click the link to join the call.


You can send the meeting link to people outside the school district meaning that staff and parents are able to connect using this method.

  1. Log in to Google Meet with your email address.
  2. Click Join or start a meeting. If desired, enter a nickname for your meeting in the box. Otherwise, leave blank and click Continue.
  3. Click Join now to enter the Meet session.
  4. To add participants to a meeting, choose an option from the pop-up when entering the session:

Screenshot of the Add others pop-up when entering a Google Meet session

  • Click Copy joining info and paste the meeting details into an email or another app.
  • Click Add people and choose an option:

Important: There is a limit of 10 participants you can invite via This can be bypassed by using a Google Calendar event to invite users to the Meet session. See "Schedule a video meeting in Calendar" below for more information.

  • Under the Invite tab, enter an email address or select from the list of suggestions. When done, click Send email.
  •  Google Meet

Note: A pre-defined email from Google is then sent to the invitees with instructions to join the video meeting.

  • Under the Call tab, enter a valid phone number and click the green circle phone icon to call the number.
    Screenshot of Google Meet website, Add people pop-up, Call tab to add phone numbers

Schedule a Google Meet Session in Calendar Calendar Icon


Create a new event with a Google Meet session

When you create an event, you can click Add video conferencing to add a Meet session. 


Guests can forward the meeting link to other people. If someone tries to join who was not invited to the Calendar event, a meeting participant from must accept their request.

  1. Go to Google Calendar and create an event.
  2. Under the Guests tab, click Add guests and enter the email addresses.
  3. Under the Event Details tab, click Add video conferencing and select Google Meet.
  1. Click Save.
  2. Click Send to send the invites.

Guests will receive an email with the event information and a link to the video meeting.

Copy an Existing Google Meet Session


You can use the same Meet session details to schedule Calendar events.

  1. In Google Calendar, open an event that has a Meet session scheduled.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow next to Join with Google Meet.
  3. Hover over Meeting ID and click the gray pencil icon (Edit) that appears. Paste or type Google Meet URL or meeting code of the existing session you want to add to this event.
  4. Click Save.
Note: You can only paste a Google Meet URL or meeting code (not a classic Hangouts video call link) from another Google Calendar event.

Create or join a Meet session in Gmail gmail


Google allows you to create or join a Google Meet session right from within your Gmail.


To create a Google Meet session:

  1. Under Meet in the left sidebar of your Gmail account, click Start a meeting.
  1.  This will open a new window with the option to create the session and join. Click Join now to join the meeting.

To join a Google Meet session:

  1. Under Meet in the left sidebar of your Gmail account, click Join a meeting.
  1. Enter the meeting code of the session you are trying to join in the "Got a meeting code?" pop-up and click Join.
  1. This will open a new window. Click Join now to join the session.